8. We work in teams

Liquid error: internal

Others have said:

Love about a team: when we accomplish something big together, I’m not alone, admiring the leader, getting the task done, finding my special role, belonging, having fun, humor and jokes,

Find hard about being in a team: starting new in a team that has been together for a long time, conflict, not feeling I really belong, when there is a clique, when two are in disagreement and they want me to take sides, when the vision and purpose is unclear, my own ego saying ‘I could do this better’, poor leadership, ending a team

Teams are a huge part of sport. In fact all of life revolves around working in different types of teams; families, marriage, work, community, church and sport.

But how do teams work? What makes them powerful? 

Dive Deeper

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Fulfilling Your Calling Together

Why do we work in teams? The answer lies in the very nature of God Himself! The Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – exists in perfect unity and purpose, working together for a shared goal. God is a team. Created in God's image (Genesis 1:26-27), we too are wired for connection and collaboration. After all, "it is not good for man to be alone" (Genesis 2:18).

The Power of Unity and Diversity

So, what makes a strong team? Here are the key ingredients:

  • Unity of Purpose: A team thrives when everyone is working towards the same shared goal. (Ephesians 4:2-6)
  • Diversity of Gifts: A team flourishes when it embraces the unique gifts and strengths each member brings to the table. No one has all the gifts to make a team work. Our weaknesses become opportunities for others to contribute and serve. (Romans 12:3-8)

This is a paradox; unity and diversity working together to cause the right conditions where a team can succeed powerfully.

Building Your Dream Team

To go deeper into the power of teamwork you need to understand these areas:

  • Unleashing Your Gifts: Identify your unique gifts and discover how to deploy them within your team.
  • Teamwork in Action: Working in a team requires constant course correction. Each member needs to monitor how they are bringing unity and how they are exercising their diverse gifts well. The team’s health depends on it!

Get ready to be inspired as you discover the joy and effectiveness of working in teams, just like the God who created us! Imagine the incredible impact a unified, diverse team can have!

Live it out application

1.     Memorize 1 Corinthians 12:12

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.

2.     Think about your team and their strengths and weaknesses.

What gifts and skills are missing on your team?

3.     Research what makes a healthy team. Consider what two or three things you can contribute to your team.

4.     Develop a creative prayer strategy to pray regularly for each member of your team.

5.     With your team do a ‘hot seat’ activity: Take turns for each team member to sit in a chair and allow the rest of the team to share what they love and appreciate about them. 

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