How ReadySetGO can help a sports person

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Now let us see how ReadySetGO can help a sports person.

Dive deeper

Game On for God: Your Faith on the Field

You love sport! Many people do! But let’s dig into this a little deeper. Have you ever considered using sports to worship God and also to share your faith?

Sports: A Way to Worship God

  • Made to Praise: The Bible tells us we were created to worship God (Genesis 1 & 2). When we play sports with good sportsmanship, we honor Him and use the talents He gave us.
  • Sin in the Game: Sin can cause us to focus on ourselves instead of God, even in sports (Genesis 3). We might play for glory or become frustrated and ruin the game. Sin has negative consequences in the world of sport.
  • Restored Worship: The good news is, God sent Jesus to forgive our sin and restore our relationship with Him and with others (Romans 12). Now, we can play sports and offer our skills and relationships to Him! Every game, practice, and competition becomes an opportunity to worship God and honor others.

Sports: A Mission Field

Sports can also be a powerful mission field:

  • Global Reach: Billions of people around the world love sports!
  • Bridging Gaps: Sports can connect people from different backgrounds who might not otherwise meet.
  • Sharing the Message: Through sports, we can share the good news of Jesus with others.

Imagine the impact! "Go and make disciples" (Matthew 28:18-20) applies to sports too. You are uniquely positioned to share your faith with your teammates, coaches, and others you meet through sports.

Join the Game!

This session is your starting point. Join us to explore how your love for sports can be a powerful tool for worshipping God and sharing your faith with the world!

Live it out

  1. Who are the other sports people you know who believe in Jesus?
  2. How can you connect with them regularly to help be encouraged and also suppotrtg them?
  3. When you play next, become aware of it as worship. What happened?
  4. Find Pray | Play | Say | Together as a resource. See videos. 

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