7. We live as servants

Liquid error: internal

Others have said:

Something poor, low status work, doing all the jobs no one else wants to do, something Christ-like, slave, manual labor, unhappy, dispirited. 

Many leaders in the world seek power and status. But we don’t respect this. Why is it that we admire leaders who are humble and approachable? Jesus invented servant leadership and modelled it for us. Here’s what it looks like!

Dive Deeper

Unleashing the Power of Serving: Following Jesus, the Ultimate Servant Leader

This session flips the script on what it means to be a servant. Here, we'll discover the transformative power of serving others, just like Jesus, the ultimate servant leader.

Redefining Greatness: The Servant's Heart

The world often views servants as weak and unimportant. But Jesus breaks this perception! He declares that true greatness in God's eyes comes from serving others (Mark 10:42-45). A servant, motivated by love, imitates Jesus' example (Ephesians 4:1-3).

Why Serve? The Power of Humility

God had countless ways to redeem humanity, yet He chose the path of humility – Jesus becoming a servant and sacrificing Himself on the cross.  (John 13:1-17) Here's why he chose this way:

  • Beyond Legalism: The self-righteous actions of the Pharisees couldn't restore relationships with God – humans could not fix their problem of sin by trying to be better people. Jesus modeled a different path – servanthood. (Matthew 23:1-12)
  • Lasting Fruit: This humble approach has borne incredible fruit for over 2000 years, generating generations of Jesus' disciples across every culture. (Philippians 2:1-11)

Taking the Next Step: Serving Like Jesus

Now, it's your turn to embrace the power of serving!:

  • Our Serving Struggles: It can be hard to serve others. We are wired to put ourselves first. What challenges do we face in serving others? In what situations is it difficult to embody a Christ-like attitude?
  • Our Servant Response: Jesus gives us the model and the power to serve others. How will we overcome these challenges and actively choose to serve with love, following Jesus' example?

Get ready to be transformed as you discover the joy and impact of serving others, just like Jesus, the ultimate servant leader!

Live it out application

1.     Memorize John 13:14-15

Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.  I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.

2.     Read Philippians 2:1-11 again and list Jesus’ characteristics as a servant.

3.     Ask yourself the following questions:

What do I find easy about being a servant?

What group of people do I find it hard to serve?

4.     In your team: List one strength and one area of improvement for each team member, in how each of you are living as a servant.

5.     Through your team: In the next week go as a team and serve a need in your community together to demonstrate servanthood.

Complete and Continue  