1. We proclaim the Gospel

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Others have said: 

The good news of Jesus is life changing. It is free. I get forgiveness. I can start again. I get to talk to the God of the universe through prayer. I have purpose in life. I know how best to live. Life is better. I have meaning in my life.

The gospel is a word that mean ‘good news!’ It can’t be kept silent, it must be shared – because it’s good. 

Have you ever wondered what is so amazing and transforming about the Gospel? This session dives deep into the core message that transforms lives and equips you to share it with the others.

Unveiling the Gospel: The Good News that Changes Everything

Have you ever wondered what is so amazing and transforming about the Gospel? This session dives deep into the core message that transforms lives and equips you to share it with the world.

What is the Gospel?

Imagine a bridge – the Gospel is that bridge, reconnecting us to God. It's the amazing story of Jesus, who brings us back into a right relationship with God, allowing us to experience His Kingdom forever. Here's the catch: knowing the Gospel accurately matters. It's needs to be communicated as a complete picture, including these key points:

  • God created us perfectly.
  • We messed up through sin, breaking that perfect connection.
  • Through Jesus' death and resurrection, God offers us restoration and the chance to live in His Kingdom again - forever.

(John 11:25-27, Colossians 1:15-23, John 3:16-19, 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, Romans 5:9-10, Romans 1:1-5)

Why Do We Need the Gospel?

We have a messed up our lives with sin. The world is broken by sin – just look around you - the war, mistrust, greed and corruption. We desperately need the Gospel because it offers a fresh start with God. Here's how:

  • By believing in Jesus, we gain a restored relationship with God – a connection that lasts forever.
  • This new life is only possible through Jesus' sacrifice – His death and resurrection bridge the gap between us and God. Our debt is paid for.

(Romans 1:16, John 10:10, Colossians 1:6, Philippians 3:20)

Sharing the Good News: Jesus' Strategy

Jesus modelled the perfect approach to sharing the Gospel. Here's the key:

  • Show compassion – care for those who feel lost, helpless, or overwhelmed.
  • Go to them – actively share the good news. Don't wait for people to come to you; seek out those who are receptive.

(Matthew 9:35-39, Matthew 10:1-20, Romans 10:13-15)

This is your launchpad to understanding and sharing the Gospel. Get ready to be transformed and equip yourself to be a messenger of hope!

Live it out application

Here are some things you can do to make these ideas part of your life.

1.     Memorise Romans 15:3-4

For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.

2.     Write down the key ideas of the Gospel in your own words.

3.     Reflect on proclaiming the gospel. Have you shared the gospel with someone else in the last month? Why or why not?

4.     Make a list of people who you want to share the gospel with and start praying for opportunities.

5. Ask at least 3 people to pray for you and your team to be bold in proclaiming the gospel. Commit to giving them an update about your progress in 1 month. 

Complete and Continue  