5. In sport and play

Liquid error: internal

Others have said:

Sport helps me stay fit and healthy, it gives me joy, I find friends, I like the thrill of winning, it give purpose to my week, it is my worship as I am not a great singer or dancer, it stops me getting depressed, it get me outside,

I like being coached, I need the structure and routine, others are depending on me in the team, I get to share my knowledge and experience as a coach, it gets me out of the house, it just gives me joy, I love the challenge of regular sport

Let's face it – sports are powerful, and play brings pure joy. Sport is enjoyed and focused on across the world. But what if sport and games were more than just entertainment or a physical hobby? What if they were important to God and faith?

Dive Deeper

Unleash the Power of Play: Why Sports Ministry is Your Game Changer!

Ignite your passion for sports ministry by revealing the incredible potential of sports and play!

The Power of Sports and Play

Let's face it – sports are powerful, and play brings pure joy. But what if they were more than just entertainment?

Here's the exciting truth: sports and play are valuable! They're meant to be enjoyed, shared, and leveraged for a powerful purpose. Additionally, they act as a universal language, connecting people across cultures and generations. In today's world, this makes them a unique mission opportunity!

  • Valuable Experiences: They're meant to be enjoyed and shared with others.
  • Universal Language: Sports transcend language and culture, connecting people through shared passions.
  • Missionary Opportunity: They offer a unique platform for sharing the Gospel in our generation.

The Bible and the Beauty of Play

The Bible sheds light on the significance of sports and play. When we view them through a Biblical lens, we discover a deep connection to the Gospel's core themes: creation, sin, and restoration.

  • Created for Play: We were created in God's image, designed to experience the joy of play. (Genesis 1-3)
  • Broken by Sin: Sin disrupts our lives and relationships, impacting our ability to fully experience the joy of sports and play.
  • Restored Through Christ: Through God's mercy in Christ, we can be restored. In Him, we can offer our talents and relationships back to God, even through sports and play, transforming them into acts of worship. (Romans 12:1-2)

The Game Plan: Engaging in Sports Ministry

The sports movement utilizes various "GO strategies" to engage with sports and play. These diverse strategies can be adapted to fit any context, ensuring there's a place for everyone!

  • GO to Leagues and Teams: We connect with existing sports teams and leagues, sharing faith and building relationships.
  • GO to Schools and playgrounds: Teach children and teens using games and sports. Learn important life lessons together.
  • GO to Tournaments: We use major sports tournaments as opportunities to connect with athletes, fans, and communities.

Get ready to explore these strategies and discover how your love for sports, fitness, gaming and play can be a powerful tool for making disciples for Christ!

Live it out application

1.     Memorize Acts 17:28

For in him we live and move and have our being.

2.     Who in your sport or community can you begin to pray for and build a relationship with?

3.     How can you worship God when you play sport?

4.     Research the most popular sports and games in your context. Explore potential opportunities.

5.     Plan a regular sport, play or fitness activity with your team or church group. Think about ways you can surprise them with something different.

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