4. In and through the Church

Liquid error: internal

Others have said:

What I love: community, singing together, the kindness of people, studying scripture together, being on mission together, intergenerational worship and fellowship

What I find difficult: politics, different opinions to me, knowing how to live as believers in this modern world

This session shatters the traditional view of "the Church" and empowers YOU to see yourself as a vital part of it! We'll explore the Church's true role and how the sports movement can help its mission.

Dive Deeper

Today, let's explore a powerful concept: the Church! But this isn't just about buildings; it's about people, about us. The Sports Movement thrives when it's fueled by the passion and dedication of the Church. And the Church is more powerful when find mission opportunities outside its walls.

1. Who is the Church?

The Church isn't a building or a denomination; it's the body of Christ, God's chosen people entrusted with a special mission (1 Peter 2:9-10). We are called to proclaim the good news and share God's love with the world.

2. The Church's Role: United in Purpose

Jesus is the head of the Church, and we are His body, working together as one (John 17:22-23). Here's a glimpse into the Church's vital roles:

  • Unity in Christ: We live in harmony, demonstrating Christ's love through our actions and words.
  • Gifts for Good: We each possess unique gifts and talents, meant to be used for the benefit of the entire Church community (1 Corinthians 12:26-28).
  • Encouragement and Support: We meet regularly to support, encourage, and build each other up in faith (Hebrews 10:24-25).
  • Fulfilling God's Mission: We actively participate in God's mission to share the Gospel, make disciples, baptize believers, and build future disciple-makers (Acts 2:42, Colossians 1:24-29, Mark 16:15).

3. The Church and the Sports Movement: A Perfect Match!

The Sports Movement flourishes when it operates within the local church. The church provides a strong foundation of faith, support, and community. This allows athletes, coaches, children and spectators to use their love for sports to reach others for Christ.

4. Finding Your Place: You Are the Church!

The Sports Movement needs you! Every individual within the Church has a role to play. Look within your local church and see the opportunities to connect your faith with sports. Maybe you're a coach who can share Jesus with your players, or a fan who can create a welcoming and encouraging atmosphere to watch games. Maybe you’re a parent who can help run sports and games at a camp or outreach. The potential has no limits.

5. Unleash Your Potential: Make a Difference Through Your Church!

The Sports Movement is a powerful way for the Church to extend its reach and impact lives for Christ. Sport can help the church, and get outside its four walls. Sport can help the church ‘go’ rather than just say ‘come’. No matter your skills or experience, there's a place for you to make a difference.

Get involved in your local church! Talk to your pastor, leaders, or sportspeople about sports ministry. The Sports Movement can equip and support you as you use your love for sports to share your faith in your community. Together, let's fulfill God's mission and make disciples through the power of the Church and the energy of sports!

Live it out application

1.     Memorize Ephesians 1:22-23

And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.

2.     Ask yourself:

What will you miss if you do not belong to a church?

What will a church community miss in not having you?

3.     Make a commitment to be engaged with the local church even if your schedule makes Sundays difficult (If you have to play high level competitive competition on a Sunday)

4.     In your team: Reflect together on how you are serving in your local churches.

5.     Through your team: Take some of your church people into a sport context and see how you can represent Jesus there.

Complete and Continue  